Friday, December 24, 2010

Bon voyage!

So, here it is- My first attempt at a blog! For those of you who know me, my rapport with most modern technology is pretty sub-par...meaning that if I am actually able to keep this up for over a month it will be a miracle. But in the meantime I am going to try real hard to document my trip to France...which will be taking place in less than a week whaaat! The plan thus far is: fly into Paris on the 29th and arrive the 30th (assuming I don't get trapped by snow..fingers crossed??), meet Taylor (friend from school who spent the semester living in Spain), rendez-vous with Samantha and Julio once they return from their euro-trotting xmas adventure, and then rage it up in Paris for la Nouvelle Année! I will take the train to Bordeaux (TGV high speed rail, kinda like Amtrak but way cooler, faster, etc) to meet my host family on January 4th. My host-family, the Etchebers, seem very their e-mail they sent there was a dancing santa emoticon on the bottom so I think we're going to get along nicely! All in all, I am feeling ready to bust out of the States and dive head first into France, even if I get a little lost in translation along the way (did I mention I'll be studying at a French university taking all my classes in French? Merde). Tant pis, I'm armed with a wool coat and a French dictionary and I figure that's all I'll really need....
